Friday, August 22, 2008

I am... Audrea.

Hi. I'm Audrea Aylee. I love to walk in the park in Spring, playing in the rain, chasing my friends around the house with a snowball in my hand, eating ice cream with some good friends, period movies, sparkly jewellery, getting all dressed up, the smell of babies and all other good things in life.

Most of all though, I love to read in bed. Be it in winter - under the covers with a hot water battle and a good book - or on a hot summer's night - with the breeze coming in through the window, a glass of juice by the bed and a good book. I love, love, love the world of words.

I mean, where else but in the world of words can you climb to the top of a magical faraway tree, where you can find different lands on different days of the year? To me, the world of words is MAGIC. Of course, that doesn't mean I hide away in my books.

No, no. I draw inspiration from the stories, to use in my everyday life. I also find little things in life to inspire my writing. In Audrea-land, fact and fiction co-exist side by side, one happily balancing the other.

I am Audrea. Welcome to my story.